Our objectives

Our objectives

Bring together and strengthen collaboration between medical, research and academic teams to encourage collaborative projects on a theme of theme of excellence.
To improve the visibility and identification of:

  • Priority themes for clinical research,
  • Care for academic and industrial partners via:
    • The continuum between care services, clinical trials, cohorts, biological collections,
    • Participation in international research networks,
    • The emergence of new research structures,
    • Publications (quantity and quality)
  • Rapid access to innovation,
  • Education and training of young students, interns, etc

Diversify, target and optimise funding: among other things, encourage the emergence of new RHU, IHU, ERC, etc.

Our main challenges

  • To strengthen collaboration between existing clinical care and fundamental research teams within the APHP / INSERM / Sorbonne University.
  • Improve knowledge of musculoskeletal diseases from prenatal to adult.
  • Develop and promote:
    • diagnostic evaluation techniques
    • the most effective treatments (innovative, minimally invasive)
  • Promote comprehensive care centred on the patient’s pathway and well-being, from prenatal to adult