Who are we ?

The MAMUTH University Hospital Federation for Musculoskeletal Diseases and Therapeutic Innovations was created to address these rare diseases. It was initially designated as a “DHU MAMUTH” for the period 2013-2018 and participated in the creation of I-MOTION and the realisation of numerous projects in partnership with industry and technological innovations, with a large number of publications, including 30 A-rank publications. Building on this initial success, the care and research programme has been extended to adults in order to create a continuous care and research pathway – from prenatal to adult – and has therefore been a new label as “FHU MAMUTH” in 2020.

The FHU MAMUTH brings together more than 39 partner structures, including 25 academic and 14 private, around an excellent scientific programme and objectives that enable us to strengthen collaboration between care, teaching and research teams, with the ultimate aim of developing technological innovation projects with the engineering platforms of Sorbonne University/Inserm/Institute of Human Biomechanics Georges Charpak, developing new large-scale academic trials at European level and industrial clinical trials in collaboration with the I-MOTION pediatric and adult platforms.

The MAMUTH FHU is also in close collaboration with two rare disease reference networks at national level, the Spina-Bifida vertebral anomalies network (Spin@) and the National Reference Centre for Limb Malformations. Internationally, the FHU collaborates with the European Network for Rare Neuromuscular Diseases (ERN EURO-NMD) and the ITHACA network for congenital malformations and rare intellectual disabilities.