

AP-HP Trousseau
Orthopaedic surgeon and WP1 leader (antenatal and paediatric care)

Professor Raphaël Vialle is Professor of Child Surgery (PUPH) at Sorbonne University. He is head of the department of orthopaedic and reconstructive surgery for children at Hôpital Armand Trousseau – APHP – Paris, France. He specialises in the treatment of spinal deformities in children and adolescents.

After graduating as a doctor of medicine from the University of Paris – Versailles – Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines. He continued his training in orthopaedic and child surgery at Hôpital Beaujon, Fondation Hôpital Saint-Joseph, Hôpital du Kremlin-Bicêtre, Institut Calot (Berck-Plage), Hôpital Necker Enfants-Malades and Hôpital Armand Trousseau. He completed his university education with a thesis in neuroscience at the University of Paris XI. A member of numerous national and international societies (ISSLS, SSE, GES, SFCR, SOFOP, SOFCOT), he has published over 180 scientific articles in international journals and is author of over 30 book chapters. He is regularly invited both in France and abroad to share his experience with the most prestigious teams in the field of spine surgery. As part of the France-China Foundation’s “Young Leaders” programme, he has been involved in Franco-Chinese exchanges around health and scientific research since 2018.

Professor Raphaël Vialle is co-founder and co-director of the Mamuth University Hospital Department for Musculoskeletal Diseases and Therapeutic Innovations (DHU Mamuth) with Professor Thomas Voit from 2013 to 2018, and of the Mamuth University Hospital Federation (FHU Mamuth) with Professor Bertrand Fontaine since 2020.

Mamuth aims to promote research and innovation in the field of muscular and skeletal diseases. It federates and encourages translational research by more than 20 care, teaching and research structures around these themes within Sorbonne University. Its clinical and research activities focus primarily on the diagnosis and treatment of deformities and malformations of the spine and trunk. It treats all types of deformity, particularly the most severe, linked to congenital malformations, growth disorders or neurological or muscular diseases.

AP-HP La Pitié – Salpêtrière
Neurologist and WP3 leader (fundamental research)

Bertrand Fontaine is a physician and researcher, neuromyologist at the Salpêtrière Hospital and professor of medicine at Sorbonne University. He is one of the discoverers of the role of ion channels, molecules that transmit electrical signals, in neuromuscular diseases. Since September 2018, he has been Director of the Myology Research Centre (UMR 974). He was appointed Head of the Neuro-Myology Department on 11 July 2019 and Medical and Scientific Director of the Institute of Myology in October 2019.

Awards and distinctions:

  • Winner of the 2011 Victoires de la Médecine awards
  • Winner of the “Investissements d’Avenir” as project leader (University Hospital Institute, Carnot Institute) 2011.
  • 55 million-government grant.
  • Gustave Rousseau Prize from the Académie des Sciences (2010)
  • Elected member of the American Neurological Society (since 2010)
  • Pfizer Visiting Professorship USA (2006)
  • INSERM APEX contract (Project of Excellence) in 2000
  • Malakoff Group Research Prize: 1999 and 2005
  • Member of the American Academy of Neurology since 1996

Pr Bertrand Fontaine talk about muscles ageing (Youtube)

Steering committee members

AP-HP La Pitié – Salpêtrière
Adult neurologist and WP2 leader (adult care)
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Dr Tanya Stojkovic is a neurologist and neuromuscular disease specialist at La Pitié Salpêtrière Hospital. She is also head of the neuromuscular disease reference centre and has been president of the French Peripheral Nerve Society (SFNP) since February 2021.

I-MOTION Trousseau et La Pitié – Salpêtrière
Adult neurologist and WP4 co-leader (clinical trials)

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Dr Giorgia Quérin is a neurologist and specialist in adult neuromuscular diseases at La Pitié Salpêtrière. She is also director of the two clinical trial platforms, I-Motion paediatric at the Trousseau site and I-Motion adult at La Pitié Salpêtrière.

AP-HP Trousseau
Obstetrician gynaecologist and WP5leader (training and education).

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Professor Jean-Marie Jouannic is head of the foetal medicine department at Trousseau Hospital. He is an obstetrician-gynaecologist specialising in prenatal diagnosis and foetal medicine (treatment following the discovery or suspicion of a foetal anomaly following a pregnancy ultrasound scan). He is the head of the “Spin@” Reference Centre dedicated to vertebral and spinal cord anomalies.

Chirurgie fœtale : comment ça fonctionne ? (FR only, article on La maison des maternelles website)

Manager of the FHU MAMUTH
Senior Research Engineer

Nezha LENZI is a Doctor in Science from the University of Aix-Marseille II. She then joined the APHP, where she developed expertise in the coordination of clinical research networks and the management of their financial portfolios, including the set-up and management of academic and industrial projects at national and European level. She is co-author of more than 22 publications.

Opérational organisation

The operational organisation of the FHU MAMUTH is based on 6 Work Packages.
The first WP concerns the organisation and management of the consortium, then the other WPs are organised around the scientific programme with a specific WP1 for prenatal and paediatric care and a specific WP2 for adult care. These 2 WPs communicate with each other with the aim of setting up a continuum of care and also communicate transversally with the other WPs, that of fundamental research (WP3), clinical trials (WP4) and training and education (WP5). The aim of the latter WP is to set up innovative research projects and training programmes in musculoskeletal diseases.