La FHU MAMUTH a réussi à passer avec un grand succès les trois étapes de sélection et obtenir une nouvelle labélisation d’une mandature de 5 ans grâce à son programme scientifique innovant et ses bilans positifs précédents en tant que DHU en 2013 puis FHU en 2020.
Piloté par le professeur Raphaël Vialle ce projet ambitieux est financé par l’APHP dans le cadre de l’AAP FHU@Carnot 2024. Le projet SpinalMeD-2 porté par la FHU MAMUTH est le fruit d’une solide collaboration entre les membres de 4 équipes académiques : Pr VIALLE (APHP/SU), Dr FERUGLIO (LIP6), Dr TAMAZADTE (ISIR) et Dr VERGARI (Institut G. […]
This M2 Surgical Knowledge and Innovation in Lifelong Learning and Science (SKILLS) is being created by Sorbonne Université, in partnership with the University of Paris-Saclay. Applications are open at this link.
“How can we prevent and reduce situations of disability among children, teenagers and young adults in the Paris region? “ Led by Sorbonne University professors Eléonore Bayen and Raphaël Vialle, this ambitious project is funded by the Ile de France Region and was launched in October 2023. Its aim is to shed light on our […]
Following its first certification, the CRMR SPIN@ rare disease reference centre dedicated to vertebral and spinal cord development anomalies, dysraphysms and complex malformations of the spine and spinal cord such as Spina Bifida, is organising its first day, which will take place on Friday 17 November 2023 in Paris. It comprises a coordinating site at […]
On 9 November 2021, Prof Raphaël VIALLE took part in the first edition of the Surgery of the Future event organised by Médicen. The event brought together surgeons and public and private research players to encourage exchanges and sharing in order to meet the challenges of the future of surgery.